I’m gearing up to reopen the shop in just over a week. I decided on May 12th long before I realized it was Mother’s Day, so I’m going to assume that the Virgin Mary wanted it that way!
It’s been about two months since I closed the shop and took a little social media break. It’s been really revealing, and definitely healing for my 2024 comparison-driven, social-media-focused, tryhard soul.
What I’ve learned more than anything, is that timing is everything. God’s timing, that is.
What I’ve learned more than anything, is that timing is everything. God’s timing, that is.
There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens.
I needed a little break, as you probably know. Here in this crazy house, we have a toddler, a middle schooler, and my mother, who suffers from Alzheimer’s. Each day is its own emotional rollercoaster as we laugh, cry, celebrate, break down, and comfort each other.
And of course, I’m finishing up illustrations for another upcoming book for Into the Deep, Catholic Catechesis for the Home.
Before my break, the shop had been busier than ever! I was feeling so frenzied and hurried and unhappy. Something had to give, and it became clear that God was calling me to take a break. I was called (or pushed!) into a time of rest.
Be still and know that I am God!
Like most of the world, I spend a lot of time on social media, particularly when it comes to this little business. Have you spent much time on Catholic Instagram? With every feast day or celebration, the creative makers out there are putting out gorgeous pieces of jewelry, apparel, and liturgical decor. It’s beautiful, inspiring, and …at least, for me… anxiety-inducing!
I wonder…should I have done something for this feast day? What can I paint or create in the next five minutes? Did I miss an opportunity? Could I have done more or been more??
Do you find yourself in a similar mindset? Imagining what could have been and feeling like time has been wasted…
In making a commitment to rest and not to create, I have been able to step outside of this mindset. And I’ve realized how toxic it’s been for my soul. I’ve been forced into STILLNESS and it’s quieted my heart.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
I’ve taken comfort in these two months in the idea that God was, is, and will be. Time is fleeting, ideas come and go, successes and failures will come my way…but God just IS.
I am created in His image. And because of that, I know that I am not meant to hurry, panic, compare, and stress. I just need to BE.
When I’ve visited social media, and seen all the beautiful things my creator friends are making, I have been able to appreciate the beauty of God’s work in them, instead of comparing my journey to theirs or feeling like I’m running out of time.
It’s made my work more prayerful and meaningful, because I’ve taken away real and imagined deadlines. In fact, I’m more excited about the few new things coming your way in May than I’ve been in a long time.
Thank you for sticking with me during this time off! I’ll see you soon!