Are we really staring Lent in the face? We're about a week away from this beautiful season of penance and reflection, and I can't figure out where this year has gone!
I feel like I haven't had a really strong Lent in years. I'm determined to change that this year, so I've been spending some time really considering how I can offer my prayers, fasting, and almsgiving to God. One year, I gave up music and radio in the car. I enjoyed it the silence so much, I just kept the practice up! What has been your most impactful Lenten sacrifice? I'd love to know!
Lent is a time of sacrifice, reflection, and drawing closer to Jesus—but what if I told you that Mary is the key to making this season even more meaningful? She isn’t just a bystander in the story of salvation; she walked the road to Calvary with Jesus, suffering with Him, surrendering with Him, loving with Him. And just as she stayed close to Him in His Passion, she longs to walk with you through your Lenten journey.
I'm still working on my own specific Lenten plan over here...BUT I do have some great ideas for you if you're wanting to make Mary a bigger part of your Lenten experience.
Prayer strengthens our communication with God as we make an extra effort to hear His voice and understand His Word.
🌿 Pray the Seven Sorrows Rosary – Meditate on Mary’s greatest sufferings and unite your own struggles with hers.
🌿 Reflect on the Stations of the Cross with Mary – Picture the Passion through her eyes. As you pray, imagine standing next to her, seeing Jesus' pain, and remaining faithful in your own trials. I find this guide from Creighton University to be very touching.
Fasting throughout Lent keeps us aware of our hunger for God.
🌿 Fast with Mary in Mind – Offer your Lenten sacrifices through Mary’s hands, asking her to present them to Jesus with love.
🌿 Imitate Mary’s Silence and Trust – Mary pondered things in her heart (Luke 2:19). Can you cultivate interior silence—fasting from complaining, gossip, worry, uncharitable thoughts, and placing more trust in God?
So often forgotten during Lent, we are asked to offer our time, talent, or treasure to those in need this season.
🌿 Host a Weekly Rosary Gathering Mary is our Mother, and one of the best ways to honor her is by bringing others together in prayer. This Lent, consider offering your time to host a weekly Rosary gathering—whether in your home, at church, or even virtually.
🌿 Give your talent, time, or treasure to a home that helps women and expectant mothers in need. Whether it’s a local pregnancy resource center, a maternity home, or a Catholic organization that supports women choosing life, your generosity can make a real difference. Volunteer your time, donate money, or find creative ways to lend a hand - handmade blankets or toys are beautiful things to give! The Knights of Columbus have a directory of 3,000 centers around the country to work with.
Mary, Mother of Sorrows, pray for us!